Samanea saman, (Jaco) Merr.

(Syn. Enterolobium Saman)

Family: Leguminosae-Mimosoideae

Common Name : Rain Tree

Telugu Name : Nidra-ganneru

General :

It is an exotic plant from West Indies , introduced to India . It is planted for shade along avenues and also in pasture. Identified by rose-coloured heads of flowers. It thrives well in heavy to moderate rainfall areas. It thrives well in heavy to moderate rainfall areas. Suitable for planting in saline and alkaline areas.

Flowering :

Pinkish white flowers appear in May to June.

Fruiting :

Pods ripen slowly and fully ripen in March to April of the following year.

Morphology of the Fruit/Seed :

Pods, sessile, straight, thick margined, 12 to 25 cms long and 1.8 to 2.5 cms broad, thick, flattened, with firm sutures, leathery, indehiscent. Seeds upto 25;15 mms long, brown, set in brownish pulp.

Seed Collection and Storage :

Ripe pods are collected in March to April, dried in the sun and beaten to harvest the seeds. Seeds are stored in dry, cool conditions. The viabililty remains upto 12 to 18 months.

Seed Biology :

No. of seeds per Kg.

Germination percentage

Plant percent

No. of seedlings per Kg. of seed

Period of germination in days

4400 to 7700



2200 to 3580

33 to 48


Overnight soaking in cold water.

Nursery Technique :

Seeds are sown in polybags in April. Germination is noticed after 20 to 25 days. Early watering and provisions of shade is beneficial for seedlings. The growth of seedlings is fairly fast.